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Digital Disney Scrapping

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:48 am
by mushu mama
Morning scrappers...

Do we have any Digi scrappers in our midst? if so, I have stumbled across some wicked Disney content on a site called Scrapblog.
I've spent a little while scouring the site trying to figure out how it works... its quite simple, and I think the whole idea is to put together a digital scrapbook and then get it printed. Don't get excited about the competitions on there... for US residents only :evil: but the 'stuff' you can purchase, is really nice and i am assuming you can then save it to your own files and use at will... ( I think)

It has some great D23 content that is official stuff ( like logo's and stuff like that) and gorgeous pencil drawn characters that would be nice as hybrid... ( haven't worked out if that's possible yet) with even more options if you are a D23 member.

I'm not a digi scrapper ( I just don't have the patience for it) and I'm partial to the whole 'feel the paper' thing and I like 'chunky' pages so that would never be my thing, but I am not opposed to some hybrid content and am going to explore this option a little further.

just thought I'd put this out there in case some of us are into the digital option.
here's the link to the info ... pBlog.html

Lisa. :D